Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Rolling, Rolling Rolling & First Speech Therapy

Rolling, Rolling Rolling

Sierra has been making so many little improvements in the past couple of weeks! Now she regularly rolls from her right side, onto her back, and then onto her left side. She doesn't like being on her right side so whenever I lay her down on her side, I put her on her right side. =) She almost immediately rolls. This morning, she rolled from her belly onto her side, onto her back, and then onto her other side. She was just about to make it back onto her belly but I had to interrupt her because we had to leave for her speech therapy.

Speech Therapy

Today Sierra had her very first speech therapy session. It is really more about learning to communicate and do things than it is about talking. The therapist had a toy that makes noise when you touch different buttons on it. She would put Sierra's hands on it and help her touch the buttons. We put Sierra on her right side (the side she doesn't like) and had her play with the toy while on that side. I believe that she was responding to the toy, because she did not even try to roll during the whole therapy session even though she hates being on that side!

Sierra's birthday is next month and I am really wanting to get her some toys that make noise, play music, or have varying textures for her to touch.

Thank you all for your continued prayers. God is continuing to work in the life of this miracle baby!