This evening Rosetta and I decided to take a walk in the neighborhood of the hospital. We were a couple blocks away when we decided to turn down what looked to be a small alleyway.
It certainly was narrow, but not small by any stretch of the imagination. I bet it went a good mile. It had all sorts of little shops with apartments over them for people to live in.
As we were about a quarter of the way down, there was a traffic jam. There wasn't enough room for two cars to pass. No one wanted to make room for each other. We weaved our way in between just like everyone else and continued on thru.
A little further down we discovered a side alley to this alley where there was a meat and produce market as you can see in the pictures below.
A little further down we discovered a side alley to this alley where there was a meat and produce market as you can see in the pictures below.
See those ducks behind you? You're next, buddy
We walked the rest of the alley and came back out on the main road.
Posted from Hangzhou at 9:03 PM on April 22.
We came back out on the street and perused the other shops which sold everything from electronics to cigarettes.
We walked the rest of the alley and came back out on the main road.
This man was hanging out with the women in the above picture and seemed amused that we wanted to take his picture.
Posted from Hangzhou at 9:03 PM on April 22.
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